Haematological profile of albino rats exposed to polar leaf extracts of Portulaca oleracea Linn.

Obinna Victoria Chinenye 1, *, Kagbo Hope Delesi 2, Afieroho Ozadheoghene Eriarie 3 and Agu Gabriel Ogaba 1

1 Department of Animal and Environmental Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.
2 Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.
3 Department of Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.
Research Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2019, 07(01), 075–085.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2019.7.1.0042
Publication history: 
Received on 20 March 2019; revised on 08 April 2019; accepted on 11 April 2019
Although the use of medicinal plants is becoming popular globally, some of these plants which are purported to be safe are not without side effects or toxicity. Portulaca oleracea, Linn. is among the medicinal plants used globally in the treatment of diseases and management of health challenges. The dearth of information on the toxicity of Portulaca oleracea in a long term use prompted this study which investigated the sub-chronic effect of the oral administration of polar (aqueous methanol) leaf extracts of Portulaca oleracea on haematological parameters in male albino rats. Sixty-four animals were randomly divided into 4 groups of 16 rats each. Group 1(Control) received 0.5 ml of 20% Tween 80 (vehicle), Groups 2, 3 & 4 received 125, 250 & 500 mg/kg bw of the extract respectively for 60 days by oral gavage. On days 14, 28, 42 and 60; four rats from each group were anaesthetized and blood samples were collected for haematology. No significant (p>0.05) variation occurred in the mean values of PCV, hemoglobin concentration, RBC count, platelet count and differential leucocyte count relative to the control throughout the 60-day duration. Significant (p<0.05) increase in WBC count was recorded on day 42 in the 500mg treated group. Oral administration of polar leaf extract of P.oleracea as used in this study had no injurious effect on haematological parameters in a long term treatment of 60 days; thus can be said to be non-toxic to blood parameters.
Portulaca oleracea; Haematology; Polar extract; Aqueous methanol; Phytochemical
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