Herbs as cosmetics for natural care: A review

Farman Hussain 1, Saman Pathan 2, *, Kailash Sahu 1 and Bhaskar Kumar Gupta 1

1 Department of Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy and Research People’s university Bhopal (M.P.), India.
2 Department of Pharmacology, All India Institute of Medical Science, Bhopal (M.P.) India.
Review Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2022, 19(02), 316–322.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2022.19.2.0202
Publication history: 
Received on 21 April 2022; revised on 28 May 2022; accepted on 30 May 2022
Herbal plants have been used in medicines and cosmetics from centuries. Their potential to treat various skin diseases, to soothe and improve the skin appearance is well-known. The beginning of the 21st century has seen significant progress in the herbal industry. Herbal ingredients are preferred over chemical substances because of their easy availability and lesser side effects. Natural beauty is a boon and cosmetics help present and enhance the aesthetic and personality aspects of human beings. Cosmetics alone are not capable of taking care of skin and other body parts; it requires the association of active ingredients to check skin damage and ageing. Herbal cosmetics have gained great popularity among the population. Herbal cosmetics products claimed to have efficacy and intrinsic acceptability due to regular use in daily life and avoid the adverse effects that are commonly seen in synthetic products. Continuous use of synthetic compounds on the skin leads many adverse effects such as skin irritation, allergy, discoloration, rashes along with skin cancer. Whereas; the herbs used in preparation of these Skin cosmetics have multi-functionality like antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antimicrobial. The purpose of this review article is to explore herbs for various skincare needs. There are many types of herbs present in nature. They gently improve and clarify skin gently in an extreme way.
Herbal Cosmetics; Herbs; Herbal Extract Skin Cosmetics; Antioxidant; Anti-Inflammatory; Ant-Aging
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