Maximizing medical cannabis growth and quality: An evaluation of the effects of ecological water regeneration in greenhouse cultivation

Héctor Núñez Alarcón 1, *, Ronny Natan Presente 2 and Tomer Sayag 3

1 Laboratory of Nutrition and Metabolic Regulation, Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology, University of Chile, Ave. El Líbano 5524, P.O. Box 138-11, Santiago, Chile.
2 Euronix Sistemas S.L., CEO, Paseo del Plà núm. 12, 46417 Riola, Valencia, Spain.
3 HaGiborim St 7, 30300 Atlit, Israel.
Research Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2023, 23(01), 204–211.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2023.23.1.0164
Publication history: 
Received on 09 March 2023; revised on 16 April 2023; accepted on 19 April 2023
The use of medical cannabis for therapeutic treatment of various medical conditions has gained popularity due to its pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory, and sleep-improving properties. In greenhouse and closed buildings cultivation, optimizing water and nutrient management is essential for achieving maximum yield and quality. Water quality used for irrigation is critical for cannabis plant growth and yield, as it affects mineral uptake. This study assesses the impact of an ecological water regenerator system, based on physical and electromagnetic principles, on the growth and quality of medical cannabis cultivated in a greenhouse. These techniques restore water quality to its optimal state, promoting optimal hydration and nutrition of medical cannabis plants. The results show that using the ecological water regenerator system significantly enhances mineral uptake and growth stimulation, improving water and nutrient management and enabling the supply of an optimal amount of water and nutrients to the plants. Consequently, this approach promotes vigorous and productive growth, indicating that incorporating an ecological water regenerator is an effective approach for optimizing and enhancing medicinal cannabis cultivation. Compared to bulk water, using regenerated water significantly improves cannabis plant growth, flower biomass, and THC levels while reducing water and fertilizer usage. This innovative system can achieve new standards of quality and performance in the sustainable cultivation of medical cannabis.
Medical cannabis cultivation; Greenhouse technology; Water quality management; Nutrient management; Growth optimization
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