Modification of atherogenic diet causes atherosclerosis, increase total cholesterol, and showing hepar damage in mice as alternative animal model in atherosclerosis research

Dzul Fithria Mumtazah *, Hendri Busman, Gina Dania Pratami, Ahad Putra Dewantara and Faradhila Amanda

Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics & Natural Sciences, Universitas Lampung, Jalan Prof. Soemantri Brodjonegoro No. 1 Gedong Meneng, Lampung, Indonesia.
Research Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2021, 14(02, 001-006.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2021.14.2.0402
Publication history: 
Received on 08 December 2020; revised on 15 December 2020; accepted on 17 December 2020
This study aims to determine the composition of the ideal atherogenic diet to increase the risk of atherosclerosis in the animal model. The research was used 15 male mice, acclimatized for 1-2 weeks to get the susceptible amount of diet to be given. The animal objects are divided into 3 groups; normal diet group (control), 4 weeks atherogenic diet groups, and 8 weeks atherogenic diet groups. The modified atherogenic diet consists of common broiler food, wheat flour, pork oil, quail egg yolks, and water, given 2 times a day of 30 g of food. Water for animal objects is given ad libitum. After 4 weeks and 8 weeks total cholesterol, the formation of foam cells, and hepatocyte degeneration. The results show that the total blood cholesterol of animal models in the group of 8 weeks has the highest level (153, 66 ± 6, 51), compared to other groups (normal diet and 4 weeks). Animal models show that aortic cross-section formed foam cells in tunica intima and tunica media of endotel, also show the indication of hepar damage by hepatocyte degeneration.
Modified atherogenic diet; Atherosclerosis; Foam cell; Total cholesterol; Mice; Hepar damage
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