Overview on telmisartan therapy

Feryal Hashim Rada *

Department of Clinical Chemistry, College of Pharmacy, Al-Nahrain University, Iraq.
Review Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2024, 26(01), 021–024.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2024.26.1.0498
Publication history: 
Received on 13 October 2023; revised on 30 December 2023; accepted on 02 January 2024
Telmisartan is an antihypertensive drug belong to angiotensin II type 1 receptor blockers class. This review is focuses on pharmacokinetic and pharmacological effect of Telmisartan. Many scientific and important sites in the internet such as Scopus, Clarivate, Pubmed and others are used to collect publicized data and information to assess and organize this review. Moreover, Old articles and articles with abstract only were excluded. Telmisartan act by a manner differing from that of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors. In addition to lowering blood pressure, Telmisartan has pleotropic effects on attenuation of many features such as inflammatory reactions, hypertrophy of left ventricle, and fibrillation of atrium. As well, amelioration of vascular activity, and renal functions will obtain. Telmisartan has many features that differentiate it from other drugs of angiotensin II type 1 receptor blockers and give its specific effect such as high lipophilic characters, extended half-life in plasma, and high affinity of binding with its receptor.
Angiotensin II; Diabetes; Hypertension; Vascular risk
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