Pharmacognosy, phytochemistry, pharmacology and clinical application of Ginkgo biloba
1 IBSS’s Dr. Rajendra Gode Institute of Pharmacy, Mardi Road, Amravati-444 602, MS, India.
2 IBSS’s Dr. Rajendra Gode College of Pharmacy, Mardi Road, Amravati-444 602, MS, India.
Review Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2021, 16(02), 229-240.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2021.16.2.0249
Publication history:
Received on 19 July 2021; revised on 24 August 2021; accepted on 26 August 2021
In the present review, we are highlighted various pharmacognostic and pharmacological aspects of the different parts of plant Ginkgo biloba. Leaves are mainly potential source of phytochemical constituents. The plant encompasses variety of pharmacological activities namely antioxidant, hypolipidemic, antibacterial, etc. The pharmacological profile of plant is mainly attributed to the presence of chemicals such as Ginkgolide A, Ginkgolide B, Ginkgolide C, Bilobalide, Ginkgotoxin, ginkgolides and bilobalide are the major constituents. The pills with the highest concentration of plant extract (100 mg) allow the intake of the highest antioxidants concentration. It is also used along with 5-flurouracil in cancer treatment. There is need to explore more activities of the plant.
Ginkgo biloba; Pharmacognosy; Ginkgolide A; Tinnitus
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