Phytochemistry, GS-MS analysis, and heavy metals composition of aqueous and ethanol stem bark extracts of Ximenia americana
1 Department of Science Laboratory Technology, Adamawa State Polytechnic Yola. Nigeria.
2 Department of Forestry Technology, Adamawa State Polytechnic Yola. Nigeria.
Research Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2022, 21(03), 145-156.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2022.21.3.0462
Publication history:
Received on 26 October 2022; revised on 15 December 2022; accepted on 17 December 2022
Medicinal plants employed in the management of diseases has been attributed to their phytochemical compositions. The present study aimed to investigate the phytochemicals, bioactive, and heavy metals components present in aqueous and ethanol stem bark extracts of Ximenia americana. The phytochemical compositions were qualitatively, and quantitatively determined, followed by the identification of bioactive compounds present. The heavy metals composition was also determined. The result revealed the presence of saponins in the aqueous (30.67% ±0.39), and ethanol (19.67% ±0.78) extract. However, alkaloids (14.61% ±0.46) were detected only in the aqueous extract while steroids (7.00% ±1.16), and glycosides (0.38% ±0.03) were in the ethanol extract only. A total of 17 and 26 compounds were identified in the aqueous and ethanol extract respectively. Chromium and lead had a concentration of 0.184 ppm ±0.080 and 0.886 ppm ±0.210 respectively in the aqueous and ethanol extract. Cadmium had a concentration of 0.001 ppm ±0.000 in both aqueous and ethanol extract. Conclusively, X. americana contains bioactive components that could be utilized in the production of novel drugs by isolation of these bioactive compounds.
GC-MS; Heavy metals; Phytochemical composition; Ximenia americana
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