Phytotoxicity of common pesticides to physiological and biochemical makeup of Triticumaestivumvar. Lok-1

Arshid Ahmad Khanday

Department of Botany, Government Madhav Science College, Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, India.
Research Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2022, 18(03), 092–099.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2022.18.3.0337
Publication history: 
Received on 15 December 2021; revised on 08 March 2022; accepted on 10 March 2022
Field experiments were conducted to evaluate the impact of five different pesticides (Triazocel, Superkiller-25, Vitavax power, Cut-out and VAAR) belonging to different chemical groups on the germination, plant growth, carbohydrate, protein and chlorophyll content and the yield of wheat crop. VAAR was found the most toxic pesticide resulting in significant decrease in all the parameters of the crop and above 3 ppm concentration brought forth aborted wheat seeds in all the replicates. Vitavax power was the least toxic pesticide and resulted in stimulation of most of the studied parameters. All the pesticides except Vitavax power were toxic and showed increasing toxicity with increasing concentration. Repetitive and intense use of these pesticides by mostly the illiterate farmers of the state of Madhya Pradesh particularly towards the maturity of the crop has resulted in pesticide residues in the soil. The results recommend limited use of triazocel, superkiller-25 and cut-out for wheat pest control and strictly prohibiting VAAR application. The residues of VAAR need to be checked prior to sowing wheat in the fields for assured returns.
Vitavax power; Wheat; Toxicity; Germination; Chlorophyll
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