Population dynamics of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae): Contributions to the prevention of arbovirosis in Villa Clara, Cuba

Rigoberto Fimia Duarte 1, 2, *, Yusimí Guerra Véliz 2, David del Valle Laveaga 3, Rolando J Morales Guerra 2, Wilfredo Castañeda López 4, Julio Leiva Haza 2, Freddy E Zambrano Gavilanes 5 and Frank M Wilford González 2

1 Faculty of Health Technology and Nursing, University of Medical Sciences of Villa Clara, Cuba.
2 Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas, Villa Clara, Cuba.
3 Academic Area of Health, Maya World University, México.
4 Provincial Center of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Microbiology of Villa Clara, Cuba.
5 Faculty of Agronomy Engineering, Technical University of Manabí, Manabí, Ecuador.
Research Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2022, 18(02), 173–188.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2022.18.2.0066
Publication history: 
Received on 09 January 2022; revised on 10 February 2022; accepted on 12 February 2022
Emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases constitute one of the main health problems worldwide. The objective of the research consisted of analyzing the development dynamics of adult mosquito populations of the species Ae. aegypti in Villa Clara province, Cuba during the period 2016-2020. The research covered the 13 municipalities of Villa Clara. An observational, descriptive, ecological, retrospective and analytical-statistical (by decision tree/exploratory data analysis) study was conducted. The study was based on the collection of positive samples/number of outbreaks reported in the 13 municipalities of the province, in the different months of the period analyzed, for the mosquito species Ae. aegypti, where each sample point corresponded to the number of specimens collected in one of the years covered, with one of the months of the year in question (12 months), the 13 municipalities, and 9 types of reservoirs. This resulted in 7 020 observations, which constitutes the sample size. The presence of the species under analysis was found in the 13 municipalities of the province, with abundant population densities; on the other hand, the variables with the greatest incidence in the population dynamics were: municipality and type of reservoir, with emphasis on the low tank, as the preferred oviposition and breeding site for this species. It is concluded that Ae. aegypti has a high capacity for adaptation and high ecological plasticity, with a marked correspondence between the ecology and habitat of the species under analysis.
Adults; Aedes aegypti; Decision tree; Population dynamics; Villa Clara
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