Precision and personalized medicine: new way for cancer management

Akshay Sonaji Bhambre *, Ashok Bhimrao Giri, Swapnil Ashok Mundhe and Arjun Bharat Mahadik

Intern, Vivekanand Hospital, Latur, Maharashtra, India 413512.
Review Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2022, 18(03), 046–053.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2022.18.3.0042
Publication history: 
Received on 21 December 2021; revised on 06 Februay 2022; accepted on 08 Februay 2022
Precision and personalized medicine (PPM) introduce to the tailoring of medical treatment to the individual characteristics of each patient. Cancer is one amongst the leading causes of death in India. Maximum chemotherapeutic agents are used for cancer patients, but lack of long-time effectiveness and severe side effects from these agents, to improve therapeutic outcome to developed new tool called PPM as follow. Better understanding of pharmacogenomics has been help to developed and the potential for customizing health care for cancers patients.
Recently, PPM has mainly involved the systematic use of genetic or other information about an individual patient to select or optimize that patient’s preventative and therapeutic care. Information a couple of patient’s proteinaceous, genetic, and metabolic profile may be accustomed tailor treatment to it individual’s needs. A key attribute of this medical model is that the development of companion diagnostics, where by molecular assays that measure levels of proteins, genes, or specific mutations are wont to provide a specific therapy for an individual’s condition by stratifying disease status, selecting the right medication, and tailoring dosages there to cancer patient’s specific needs. In light of this, there is growing interest in the role of health care system or department of oncology to try to enhance a precision and personalized approach, underlining some recent successes.
This review will focus on the existing and future technologies that could speed the development of PPM products for Treatment of resistant cancer in individual patients. Specifically, it will concentrate on reviewing the phenotypic (activity based) rather than genotypic (mechanism based) approach to develop PPM useful for cancers patient. This article is perspective, during which attention is targeted on the particular alterations of the tumor, has opened the door to precision and personalized treatment. 
Personalized medicine, cancer, tumor, therapeutic outcome
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