A review: On emerging trends and technologies in familial DNA searching
Department of Forensic Science, Vivekananda Global University, Jaipur, India.
Review Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2025, 30(02), 210-216.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2025.30.2.0052
Publication history:
Received on 27 December 2024; revised on 13 February 2025; accepted on 16 February 2025
Forensic science has made tremendous strides in recent years, making it challenging to draw comparisons with older investigation methods. One of the groundbreaking advancements is the use of DNA technology in forensics. A cutting-edge technique called "familial DNA searching" involves deliberately scouring a DNA database to find matches with a limited set of genetic markers. This approach aims to identify potential relatives of an unknown individual, providing new leads for investigations. The FBI oversees the CODIS database, which consolidates DNA data from various U.S. crime labs. Familial DNA searches rely on identifying common genetic traits, or alleles, and assessing the rarity of these shared alleles in the broader population. The database contains profiles from criminals, arrestees, convicted felons, and others from whom DNA samples have been lawfully collected. When identifying potential familial ties between an individual and a suspect's DNA, the focus is solely on shared genetic markers that don't reveal any specific biological traits apart from gender. The FORENSIC SCIENCE Service. Ltd (FSS) has developed two algorithms to assist in familial DNA searching within the NDNAD (DNA Database). The first algorithm aims to pinpoint DNA profiles that could be linked as parent-child matches to the target DNA profile. The second algorithm prioritizes DNA profiles likely to be siblings of the actual perpetrator, ranking them based on the number of shared alleles with the target DNA profile. Before utilizing a DNA database for familial searches, it's crucial to ensure compliance with existing laws, regulations, court orders, or other governing guidelines. Notably, familial DNA searching is in line with the objectives of the Federal DNA Identification Act.
DNA Searching; Criminal DNA Identification; Inherited Alleles; Genetic Markers; Legal Proceedings
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