Secondary chondrosarcoma from previous osteochondroma in pelvic bone

Sara Hassani 1, Masih Rikhtehgar 2 and Alireza Salmanipour 3, *

1 Goddard lab, Radiology department. Penn Medical University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
2 Iran University of Medical Science, Shafa Yahyaian hospital, Iran.
3 Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Iran University of Medical Science, Tehran, Iran.
Case Study
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2022, 19(03), 248–252.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2022.19.3.0248
Publication history: 
Received on 17 May 2022; revised on 21 June 2022; accepted on 23 June 2022
Secondary chondrosarcoma is a known dreaded complication of osteochondral- mas, generally first suspected by new-onset pain; imaging studies indicate the thick cartilaginous cap indicates possible secondary malignant transformation. In this article, we discuss a case of secondary chondrosarcoma arising from os- osteochondroma in the pelvic bone. 
Osteochondroma; Secondary Chondrosarcoma; Cartilaginous Cap; Pelvic Bone
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