Simultaneous estimation of salbutamol sulphate and ambroxol HCl from their combined dosage form by UV-VIS spectroscopy using simultaneous equation method

Wrushali A. Panchale 1, Chaitanya A. Gulhane 1, Jagdish V. Manwar 2, * and R. L. Bakal 1

1 IBSS’s Dr. Rajendra Gode Institute of Pharmacy, Mardi Road, Amravati-444 602, MS, India.
2 IBSS’s Dr. Rajendra Gode College of Pharmacy, Mardi Road, Amravati-444 602, MS, India.
Research Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2020, 13(03), 127-134.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2020.13.3.0397
Publication history: 
Received on 06 December 2020; revised on 15 December 2020; accepted on 17 December 2020
A simple UV-Vis Spectrophometric method was developed for the simultaneous determination of salbutamol sulphate and ambroxol HCl (AMB) from their combined dosage form. The method employs formation and solving of simultaneous equation using 242 nm and 272 nm as two analytical wavelengths (λMax of the drugs) of detection. Both the drugs obeyed Beer-Lambert’s law over the concentration range 1-50 μg/mL for salbutamol sulphate and 10-50 μg/mL for ambroxol HCl, respectively. The developed method was validated for Accuracy, Precision, Limit of Detection and Limit of Quantification as per ICH guidelines and results of analysis were validated statistically.
UV-Vis Spectroscopy; Simultaneous Equation Method; Salbutamol sulphate; Ambroxol HCl
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