Species of bacteria associated with laboratory and locally produced indigenous beverage, Kunun aya

Veronica Agbo * and Fatima Tahir 

Department of Biological Science, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi, Nigeria.
Research Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2018, 03(03), 047–053
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2018.3.3.0055
Publication history: 
Received on 07 May 2018; revised on 27 June 2018; accepted on 28 June 2018
A study was carried out on bacteria species associated with laboratory and locally-produced samples of Kunun aya. Dried Cyperus esculentus nuts were washed in three changes of sterile distilled water, further soaked in warm water for a period of 18 hours and blended into a fine paste. The paste was filtered with the aid of muslin cloth. The filtrate was simmered for a period of 15mins in order to concentrate the produce. Local spices were added to the resultant produce in order to improve on the taste. The produce was finally packaged into sachets and then refrigerated. Samples of locally produced Kunun aya was purchased from the market. Serial dilution was carried out on both laboratory and locally-produced samples of Kunun aya and incubated at 370C for the isolation of bacterial species. The products were also subjected to proximate analysis. Six bacterial species were isolated from the products. Least number of bacteria were isolated from the laboratory product as compared to the locally produced samples. The product contained essential nutrients that could also aid microbial growth. The ecological parameters recorded were within the ranges that could aid bacterial growth in pure culture. Refrigeration aids prolonged shelf-lives of the products. The use of non-contaminated water in the production of the product together with minimization of handling foods have been advocated to enhance the market value of the product.
Kunun aya; Bacteria species; Local species; Temperature; Shelf-lives
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