A study of freshwater fish farming of biofloc ponds in district Kaushambi Uttar Pradesh

Yogesh Mishra *

Department of Zoology Bhavan’s Mehta Mahavidyalaya Bharwari Kaushambi Uttar Pradesh India.
Research Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2024, 26(01), 015–020.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2024.26.1.0532
Publication history: 
Received on 10 November 2023; revised on 22 December 2023; accepted on 25 December 2023
The present study in biofloc pond is an initiative in district Kaushambi Uttar Pradesh. The fish farmers have made biofloc ponds with some modifications in their fish culture ponds. The study was conducted during June to November month in 2022 in three village biofloc ponds of District Kaushambi. The fish farmers of Kaushambi belongs to rural area and lack awareness and training in relation to biofloc fish farming. The fish production in Chalauli and Malahipur biofloc Pond were 80 quintal and 42 quintals respectively against the seed stocking of 9000. In Myohar biofloc pond it was 30 quintals against the seed stocking of 8000. The fishes which are cultured in Biofloc are pangasianodon hypothalamus, clarias batracus, heteropneustis fossils and cirrhinus mrigala. Pangasiandon was found to be the most cultured species. Most of the farmers were found young, educated, least experienced and small-scale investors. Prevention of diseases and therapeutic measures were found satisfactory. The farmers were also not aware about carbon: nitrogen ratio but they try to maintain it.
Biofloc ponds; Therapeutic measures; Seed stocking; Fish production; Carbon nitrogen ratio
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