Touchless automatic as innovation on modern waste place developing anti-decay catted temperature cold with the application of anti-bacterial spray cooling system

Sugiarto Anton 1, Al Falah Hayat 2, Ekawati  Lina 3 and Isworo Slamet 3,  * 

1 Medical Records and Health Information Program, Faculty of Health,  University Dian   Nuswantoro Semarang,  Indonesia.
2 Industrial Engineering Program. Faculty of Engineering.  University Dian Nuswantoro   Semarang,  Indonesia.
3 Environmental Health Program, Faculty of Health,  University Dian Nuswantoro Semarang,  Indonesia.
Research Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2018, 05(01), 009–016
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2018.5.1.0069
Publication history: 
Received on 23 July 2018; revised on 14 August 2018; accepted on 07 September 2018
Garbage becomes controversy in a quite complicated world because of the great loss to the environment and health caused by garbage. Therefore, the need for the development of appropriate technology that underlies the preventive attitude due to the waste. The method used is a robot system that works to automatically control garbage. Methods of implementation include 1. Case Analysis: tool-making begins with analysis on some cases that occur in the community. 2. References: look for references that match the created device. 3. Designing the design: the operating system uses four sensors, anti-bacterial spray, garbage freezing, and hand sanitizer. 4. Creating a prototype after the design is continued with the manufacture of prototype which includes electrical design and work system with anti-bacterial spray. 5. Prototype testing and completion of tools: the refinement of the tool is performed after testing to correct any deficiencies in the device. This research is a creative research work in dealing with unpleasant odor due to decay in household trash  as  innovation on modern waste place developing anti-decay catted temperature cold with the application of anti-bacterial spray cooling system with temperature control 0 °C - 15 °C.  No decay and no bad smell. 
Garbage domestic; Touchless automatic; Bacteria decay; Four S-Bin; Automatic sensor; Controlled temperature 
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