Trend of using herbal based preparations in pediatric skin inflammation disorders

Dorina Shengjergji Dervishi 1, *, Emi Panariti 2 and Arnisa Nuna 3

1 Faculty of Technical Medical Sciences, European University of Tirana, Albania.
2 Faculty of Medical Sciences, Albanian University, Tirana, Albania.
3 Pharmaceutical chain, Tirana, Albania.
Review Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2022, 21(03), 190-195.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2022.21.3.0485
Publication history: 
Received on 10 November 2022; revised on 19 December 2022; accepted on 22 December 2022
Introduction: Skin inflammations that are more common and affect the pediatric age group more are rash, atopic dermatitis, fungal infections, psoriasis. The use of medicinal plants and herbal based preparations in the treatment of skin diseases, results from their impact on several stages of inflammation.
The aim of this study was to review the information about the effects and anti-inflammatory activity, of medicinal plants and their preparations related to the treatment of most frequent skin inflammations in the pediatric age group, and to assess the trend of use of herbal remedies for these inflammations from our population.
Methodology: For the realization of this descriptive and analytical study, multiple sources of information were used for the literature review, as well as through a random questionnaire conducted in a sample of 120 pharmacies in country. The data was collected from the pharmacists ‘responses and was analyzed specifically for the skin inflammations of pediatric age groups and the use of herbal preparations for the treatment of this disorders.
Results: From the literature review the most frequent skin inflammations in the pediatric age group identified were rash, atopic dermatitis, fungal infections, folliculitis, furuncle, carbuncles. During the last years, among the medicinal plants mostly used locally for skin treatment are Matricaria Recutita, Calendula officinalis, Aloe Vera, Echinacea purpurea, Oenothera biennis, etc. From the completed questionnaire, a significant part of pharmacists (45%), reported that the most common skin inflammations in pediatric age presented in pharmacy are atopic dermatitis, rash for 17% of them, and fungal infections (12%). Regarding the way of using these preparations, 57% of them reported that they are used locally as combined therapy with the conventional one. Pharmacists reported that herbal preparations mostly used locally are those with Aloe Vera (31%), 13% of them reported those with Calendula officinalis and 5% of them reported preparations with Matricaria Recutita. Meanwhile, 48% of them reported that combined preparations of these herbs were used. Pharmacists are mostly the ones who suggest the use of these herbal based preparations (48.31%). Also, 65% of them think that the use of herbal based preparations for the treatment of skin inflammations in the pediatric age group has increased in recent years.
Conclusions: Medicinal plants are rich with active ingredients and can be effective for the treatment of skin inflammations in the pediatric age group. As their use has increased in recent years, further research is needed regarding the efficacy, safety, optimal uses, and standardization of herbal preparations.
Skin inflammations; Medicinal plants; Pediatric age; Matricaria Recutita; Calendula officinalis 
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