Understanding Pandu Roga: A traditional approach to anaemia management

Shreya Satish Shingde 1, Hemant Shridhar Paradkar 2, * and Anaya Ashish Pathrikar 3

1 Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Kayachikitsa, APM's Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Sion, Mumbai 400022, India.,
2 Associate Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, APM's Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Sion, Mumbai 400022, India.
3 Professor and HOD, Department of Kayachikitsa, APM's Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Sion, Mumbai 400022, India.
Review Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2025, 30(02), 093-101.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2025.30.2.0029
Publication history: 
Received on 14 December 2024, revised on 08 February 2025; accepted on 11 February 2025
Pallor, or Pandutva, is one of the primary symptoms associated with skin tone and colour disorder. Bhrajaka Roga, as described in Ayurveda, is characterised by alterations in skin pigmentation, ranging from white (Shweta) to yellowish (Peeta) and greenish (Harita), classifying it as a "Varnopalakshita Roga," a condition marked by changes in colour. The Ayurvedic clinical entity of Pandu can be correlated with anaemia in modern medical science due to similarities in clinical presentation and symptomatology. Anaemia, a significant global public health issue, is the most common nutritional deficiency disorder worldwide. This article explores the Ayurvedic framework of Pandu Roga (anaemia) and emphasises its applicability to contemporary anaemia management practices.
Pandu; Ayurveda; Srotas; Anemia; Pallor
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