Unusual discovery of metastatic GTT causing death in a young woman

Fouad Ech chouyekh *, A. Mohamed cheikh, FZ Fdili Alaoui, Sofia Jayi, Hikmat Chaara and MA Melhouf

Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics II, CHU Hassan II, Fès, Morocco.
Case Study
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2023, 24(03), 103–107.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2023.24.3.0376
Publication history: 
Received on 02 August 2023; revised on 08 September 2023; accepted on 11 September 2023
Gestational trophoblastic disease corresponds to cystic degeneration of the trophoblast villi with excessive secretion of choriogonatrophinic hormone (HCG), groups together lesions :
·      Benign lesions known as hydatidiform moles (partial or complete)
·      Malignant lesions known as gestational trophoblastic tumors (GTT), comprising :
o  Choriocarcinomas
o  Invasive moles
o  Trophoblastic tumors of the implantation site (TTSI)
Diagnosis is based on questioning and clinical examination, while paraclinical tests, especially ultrasound and Beta HCG, establish the diagnosis of hydatidiform mole. However, TTG may require other tests, and histology confirms the diagnosis.
Management is based on a protocol codified according to pre-established guidelines.
We report a rare case of an unusual presentation of metastatic GTT causing death in a 32 year old woman just one month post partum.
Hydatidiform mole; GTT; Pregnancy; Post abortum; Death
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