In vitro lipid digestion models

Kethavath Bhagya * and M. Sunitha Reddy

Department of Pharmaceutics, Centre for Pharmaceutical Sciences, JNTUH UCEST, JNTUH Hyderabad, Telangana-500085, India.
Review Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2023, 22(02), 111–119.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2023.22.2.0064
Publication history: 
Received on 06 January 2023; revised on 14 February 2023; accepted on 17 February 2023
The models are evaluated in terms of their suitability to assess lipid based drug delivery systems, and their ability to produce In vitro - in vivo correlations (IVIVCs). While the pH-stat lipolysis model is by far the most commonly utilized In vitro digestion model in relation to characterizing Lipid based drug delivery Presently, no single In vitro digestion model exists which is able to predict the in vivo performance of various methods. However, a recent study has shown the potential of combined lipid digestion-permeation models as well as specific digestion models. Lipolysis test is to assess the drug solubility in conditions that mimic the fasted intestinal tract in term of volume, pH, enzymes, and temperature, bile acids. Human GI digestion includes two main processes occurring simultaneously, i.e. mechanical and enzymatic digestion. The digestion processes begin in the mouth and continue through the GI tract to the large intestine. In the mouth, ingested food is masticated, mechanically broken down and mixed with saliva. This review mainly useful for lipid based in-vitro digestion and lipolysis models for lipid-based drug delivery systems.
In vitro digestion; Lipolysis; IVIVC; Bioavailability; Solubility; Enzymes; Lipids
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