Categorization of Cucumis sativus germplasm depending on agronomic qualities under natural climatic conditions
1 Institue of Horticulture Sciences, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.
2 Department of botany, University of Agriculture Faisalabad.
3 Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering Govt. College University Faisalabad.
4 Department of plant breeding and genetics, University of Agriculture Faisalabad.
Research Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2020, 10(03), 039-044.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2020.10.3.0043
Publication history:
Received on 18 February 2020; revised on 09 March 2020; accepted on 12 March 2020
Cucumis sativus is cultivated all around the world and held an important position in cucurbitaceous crops. Seeds of Cucumis sativus have cooling, tonic, diuretic and anthelmintic effect. According to world total production most important and widely cultivated cucurbits have been water melon, Cucumis sativus. According to data sheet of area of 2.09 million ha have been under Cucumis sativus cultivation and 0.31 million tone yields in return worldwide. There were total 12 different varieties and central devoutness of the study was to compare all these varieties and to know about the best variety among all. After comparing means from data it was conducted that in terms Number of leaves C-3479, C-571 and Sialkot local beard highest number of leaves. All the varieties showed almost similar trend in length of stem and days of flowering. C-3479 possessed highest number of fruits and Sialkot local had lowest number of fruits. The color of flowers as well as shape of stem was almost same in all varieties. In contrast to match Leaf size, length of fruit also sums of fruits.
Cucumis sativus; Germination; Varieties; Vegetabl
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