Distribution of Helminth parasites and seasonal rate of infection in Clarias batrachus (Jerdon, 1849) fishes of Savitri River from Konkan region, Maharashtra, India
Department of Zoology, Arts, Commerce and Science College, Sonai, Dist. Ahmednagar, Maharashtra,India
Research Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2020, 11(01), 127-131.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2020.11.1.0097
Publication history:
Received on 10 April 2020; revised on 15 April 2020; accepted on 16 April 2020
The present study was undertaken to determine the incidence of helminth parasites in fishes in Savitri, river in Konkan region of Maharashtra. Fish and their parasites were collected during different seasons from various sites like Chiplun, Sangameshwar, Dapoli, Khed, Mandangad etc. For three year period and processed. Fish species namely Clarias batrachus from these water bodies. The parasitological examination of fishes was carried as per methodology. The parasites were processed and identified with the help of key. The prevalence mean intensity and relative density of Helminth parasites were calculated in accordance. The study of Cestode parasite population of river water fishes of different regions of Ratnagiri district has been unde rtaken to investigate the phonological and innate factors such as season, habit and habitat. The investigation of parasitogenesis can provide data for the prediction of integrated methods to achieve the regulation of number of parasites from various genera, quantitative data are vital.
Cestode; Methodology; Platyhelminthes, carmine
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