Morphological, anatomical and antibacterial characteristics of Leonotis nepetifolia plants growing in Binh Thuan Province, Vietnam

Nguyen Thi Huong Giang 1, Pham Van Ngot 2 and Dang Thi Ngoc Thanh 3, *

1 Ben Cat High School, Binh Duong province, Vietnam.
2 Faculty of Biology, HCMC University of Education, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
3 Faculty of Natural Science Pedagogy, Sai Gon University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Research Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2021, 14(02), 053-063.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2021.14.2.0041
Publication history: 
Received on 25 January 2021; revised on 05 Februay 2021; accepted on 08 Februay 2021
Lion's ear [Leonotis nepetifolia (L.) R. Br.] is a Vietnamese medicinal plant that has been described in basic morphology and isolated for a number of chemical compounds. This study aims to supplement a database of morphology, micro-anatomy and antibacterial abilities of this species. Micro-anatomical analysis was based on a double staining method microscopic dimensional measurement of plant.  The antibacterial capacity was based on the diameter of the inhibitory zone. The results showed that the plant had the characteristics of adapting to the dry and light conditions of the region. Leaf extract at the content of 4.8 to 8.0 mg had the best inhibitory ability on 5 strains of bacteria B. cereus, S. aureus, E. faecalis, P. aeruginosa, and E. coli. The inhibition zone diameters were 0.27, 10.33, 5.00, 3.80 and 2.23 mm, respectively.
Binh Thuan; Folk remedy; Inhibitory zone; Leonotis nepetifolia (L.) R. Br; Micro-anatomy; Morphology
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