Review with checklist of monocot in the herbarium of Iraq Natural History Museum

Khansaa Rasheed Al-Joboury *

Iraq Natural History Research Center and Museum, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq.
Review Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2022, 18(02), 098–103.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2022.18.2.0053
Publication history: 
Received on 29 December 2021; revised on 06 February 2022; accepted on 08 February 2022
This study was conducted to make an inventory of the monocot plants that were collected before and now which stored in the herbarium of Iraq Natural History Museum for identifying them. The herbarium contains avery large and varied number of plants from different parts in Iraq and for different and varied environments. The plants collected, arranged and identified using taxonomic keys specific to these families. Currently, the plant samples are in the herbarium of Iraq Natural History Museum to be an important scientific reference for all researchers inside and outside the country. With the identification of botanical scientists for each family, gender and year in which it was first diagnosed.
Monocot; Herbarium; Iraq; Natural; History; Museum
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