Assessment of land use/land cover change detection of Mettupalayam Taluk, Coimbatore district, Tamil Nadu, India, using RS and GIS

K Ramesh 1, *, R Asha 1 and E Jamuna 2

1 CWR, Department of Civil Engineering, CEG, Anna University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
2 AC & RI, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Vazhavachabur, Thiruvanamalai, Tamil Nadu, India.
Research Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2023, 22(01), 241-246.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2023.22.1.0023
Publication history: 
Received on 04 December 2022; revised on 19 January 2023; accepted on 21 January 2023
Understanding changes in land use land cover is essential managing and monitoring natural resources and development, particularly where urbanization is expanding. In present study, describes land use/land cover (LU/LC) mapping and change detection analysis of Mettupalayam taluk of Coimbatore district in Tamil Nadu. Estimation in ArcGIS for LU/LC classification from LANSAT images, is the best method for classifier for the different features were used to classify the satellite images are used to classify the land use/land cover change s for the given period. The results indicated that land cover changes have occurred in slight decrease in forests, vegetation and mountain and a corresponding tremendous increase in settlement. The comparison of LU/LC in 2000 and 2019 derived from topo-sheet and satellite imagery interpretation indicates that the settlement area shows variations. Settlement is an area of human habitation, which has a cover of buildings and a network of transport and other civic amenities, due to increasing population and the land is converted into habitation. The (Urbanization) settlement/ built-up areas have increased by 7.29% in 2000 while in 2019 it has increased to 16.43 %. It is found urban area increased due to population growth cum rapid economic progress.
Land Use/ Land Covers; Mettupalayam Taluk; Changes detections
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