The use of physiotherapeutic methods for percutaneous administration of medicinal substances

Veliyev Mirza Latif, Alekperov Allahverdi Mikail and Abdullaev Namik Tair *

Azerbaijan Technical University, Baku, Azerbaijan, Az1073,
Review Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2023, 23(02), 001–005.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2023.23.2.0177
Publication history: 
Received on 21 March 2023; revised on 28 April 2023; accepted on 01 May 2023
The use of transdermal drug administration under the influence of various physical fields is used to treat various types of diseases. The main characteristics that determine the conditions and speed of the physiotherapeutic procedures include: the frequency and intensity of the physical field, the exposure time period, the distance to the impact zone and the composition of the contact substance. The role of these characteristics is determined in experimental studies. In the work, a thermostat was used that maintains a temperature corresponding to the temperature of the human body.At the beginning of the experiment, the optical density of the solution containing no antibiotic was measured in the first chamber of the thermostated cell; at the same time, the growth of the antibiotic concentration in the second chamber was determined and the dependence on its growth and time was plotted. The experiments were repeated before and after switching on the source of physical fields, and the dependences of antibiotic permeability were determined with an average error of 5-6%.
Physiotherapy; Physical fields; Antibiotics; Percutaneous administration; Muscle tissue
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