Comparative studies on the antioxidant activity of selected alcoholic and non-alcoholic wines commonly consumed in Madonna University, Nigeria

Wopara I, Awah M. Francis, Modo Emmanuel U.* and Ndubueze G. Miracle

Department of Biochemistry, Madonna University, Nigeria, Elele campus, Rivers State, Nigeria.
Research Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2018, 03(01), 028–034
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2018.3.1.0021


Publication history: 
Received on 12 March 2018; revised on 07 April 2018; accepted on 10 April 2018
Wines have very essential health benefits due to the presence of compounds that possess antioxidant properties like polyphenols such as anthocyanins, and the body is known to carry out complex metabolic reactions which could release free radicals, hence the need for antioxidants. This study was carried out to understand the increasing intake of wines. A total of four selected wine samples (Don Morris, Baron Romero, Capel, Raim D’Or) were analyzed to evaluate their antioxidative capability. A low IC50 value means high scavenging activity by the wine sample.  From the results obtained, it was observed that Don Morris had the highest inhibition activity in relation to nitric oxide radical, when compared against the control Sodium nitroprusside (SNP) only. The IC50 for superoxide anion inhibition was significantly low in Don Morris wine (1.63 ± 0.09%) when compared with Raim D’Or wine (18.31 ± 4.16%). Furthermore, in the DPPH radical scavenging assay Don Morris wine had a low IC50 value of (0.63±0.02%) compared to Raim D’Or with (1.31 ± 0.16%), indicating a more efficient DPPH radical inhibiting activity. Conclusively, Don Morris showed high inhibitory effect of DPPH, Nitric oxide and Superoxide anion free radicals, when compared with the other wines used for the research. Therefore, to avoid or manage oxidative stress and its related diseases, it is recommended that Don Morris wine be taken as it has shown its potential in the inhibition of free radicals hence higher antioxidant activity when compared with Baron Romero, Capel and Raim D’Or wines.
Antioxidant wines; Free radicals; Scavenging activity; Antioxidative capabilities; Polyphenols
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