Human papillomavirus infection associated with cervical cancer and other malignancies

Dirce Sakauchi 1, * and Aurora Marques Cianciarullo 2, *

1 Laboratory of Genetics, Butantan Institute, Av. Dr. Vital Brazil, 1500, 05503-900, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
2 Laboratory of Viral Biotechnology, Butantan Institute, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
Review Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2023, 25(01), 164-177.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2023.25.1.0430
Publication history: 
Received on 07 September 2023; revised on 14 October 2023; accepted on 17 October 2023
Human papillomavirus (HPV) consists in a great clinical importance worldwide, being involved in the most frequent sexually transmitted viral infection, genital warts, with high incidence in both men and women. Furthermore, HPV can also develop a broad spectrum of cancers, the most common is cervical cancer, being one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality in women worldwide, especially in low-and middle-income countries (LMICs). Here we discuss the importance of cervical cancer prevention and others related cancers caused by HPV, information about HPV vaccines, evaluation of single-dose use, low vaccination coverage, as well as other topics regarding viral transmission, biology, and epidemiology, aiming for the reduction of cervical carcinoma cases and others HPV associated diseases, reducing infections and death in the world as regarding to HPV, through the wide people immunization.
Human papillomavirus; HPV; Cervical cancer; Prophylaxis; Vaccine; Immunization
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