The role of betatrophin at onset of the Iraqi type II Diabetes Mellitus patients

Mustafa Saleam Khalaf 1, *, Sadik A Abdullah 2 and Ghufran Saad Nsaif 3

1 Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, College of Medicine University of Fallujah, Anbar, Iraq.
2 Medical Laboratory Techniques Department, Al-Ma'moon University College, Baghdad, Iraq.
3 Department of Chemistry, College of Science, Baghdad University, Baghdad, Iraq.
Research Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2024, 29(01), 001-006.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2024.29.1.0351
Publication history: 
Received on 19 August 2024; revised on 28 September 2024; accepted on 30 September 2024
Background: Type II diabetes mellitus It is one of the most important metabolic disorders that the body suffers from, which affects glucose metabolism. It begins first with insulin resistance and then develops into type II diabetes mellitus disorder. One of the most famous pathological complications of type II diabetes mellitus disorder is the inhibition of insulin secretion and hyperlipidemia. Betatrophin which is a protein hormone produced at the beginning of infection with type II diabetes mellitus disorder. It works as a protective factor as it activates the growth and development of pancreatic beta cells and also has a role in regulating lipid metabolism at the beginning of infection with the disorder. 
Materials and methods: The present study included the selection of 28 individuals suffering from type II diabetes mellitus disorder, and 28 healthy individuals as control. The study individuals were of both sexes and their ages ranged between 38-55 years. Many of biochemical markers were measured for all study individuals include Insulin hormone, random blood sugar, glycated hemoglobin, Betatrophin hormone and C-peptide, where special kits from the best international companies were used for this. On the other hand, the t-test method was used for statistical analysis to compare the two groups.
 Results: After comparing the control group with the patients group with type II diabetes mellitus disorder, it was found that there was elevate in the levels of random blood sugar, glycated hemoglobin, Betatrophin hormone and C-peptide in the group of patients compared to the control group, except insulin hormone which was not affected. The values ​​of mean ± standard deviation (SD) and p-value were relied upon to determine the clinically significant values.
Conclusion: The current study results conclude that the hormone Betatrophin begins to rise as a protective factor for the body at the onset of insulin resistance, which causes with type II diabetes mellitus disorder This increase in the level of the hormone Betatrophin is an attempt by the body to rebuild parts of the pancreas to enhance insulin secretion and also to regulate the metabolism of fat in the body, which is considered a complication of with type II diabetes mellitus disorder
Betatrophin; Type II diabetes mellitus disorder; Insulin resistance
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