Diversity of arthropods regarding habitat specialty in agro-ecosystem of Faisalabad, Pakistan

Rana Naureen 1, Saleem Maryam 1, Majeed Waqar 1, *, Jalal Fatima 2, Ehsan Nazia 1 and Nargis Shahla 1

1 Department of Zoology, Wildlife and Fisheries, Faculty of Sciences, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
2 Department of Zoology, GCU, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
Research Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2019, 06(02), 001–008.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2019.6.2.0008
Publication history: 
Received on 16 January 2019; revised on 05 February 2019; accepted on 07 February 2019
Biodiversity is a measurement of the variety of organisms within species present in an ecosystem and can refer to ecosystem variation, genetic variation and species variation within a biome. They consist of diversity, evenness, dominance and richness of inhabiting taxa in that area. This study was carried out to check the diversity of different arthropods among crops and fields of District Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan. Total 1088 specimens were collected belonging to 8 orders, 24 families, 35 genera and 38 species from agro- ecosystem. So, keeping in view the importance of these aspects, calculations were made as per Shannon Diversity Index and SPDIVERS.BAS software. Diversity (H) was recorded as (1.2720), while Diversity Max. (H′max) was recorded (3.0366). Evenness was (0.0896) while dominance was (1.0896). The value for richness was recorded as (11.6423). To highlight their major distribution and contribution, relative abundance was recorded maximum for genus Drosophila 60.85% (N = 662), followed by Musca 7.17% (N = 78), Chamaepsila 6.34% (N = 69), Hippodamia 5.15% (N = 56), Sepsis 4.14% (N = 45), Culex 2.67% (N = 29), Episyrphus 1.56% (N = 17), Coccinella 1.38% (N = 15), Aedes, xestia 1.19% (N = 13), Camnula, Omocestus 0.92% (N = 10), Cheilomenes 0.83% (N = 9), Aleiodes, Anchastus 0.64% (N = 7) and zizula 0.55% (N = 6). However, least relative abundance (N≤ 5) was recorded for Ochlerotatus, Nemopoda, Eupeodes, Sphaerophoria, Chrysotoxum, Culicoides, Chrysoperla, Acrida, Scudderia, Gigantiops, Ancistrocercus, Byturus, Leptinotarsa, Dyscinetus, Haploa, Oncopeltus, Cimex, Araniella and Argiope.
Diversity; Arthropods; Abundance; Agro-ecosystem; Musca; Chamaepsila
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