Retraction Notice: ATC Malachlorite® for treatment of patients with acute Plasmodium falciparum infection: A pilot study incorporating 500 patients in the rural area of Cameroon

Enno Freye 1*, Hans-Peter Strobel 2 and Olivia M. Weber 3

1 University Clinics of Düsseldorf, Germany.
2 Department of Energy Development Davos-Platz, Switzerland
3 Center of Novel Therapeutic Strategies (NTS), Luzern, Switzerland.
* Corresponding author
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2019, 08(01), 028–028.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2019.8.1.0004

Retraction notice

Notice of formal retraction of article by Dr. Enno Freye and his team members. This article has been retracted at the request of The Editors as a result of
(1) The Editors were recently alerted by a reader that the data reported in this manuscript is fake and no such study has been actually conducted by the authors, upon close inspection, reflect a suspicious activity suggesting that the data reported was manipulated or actually fabricated and
(2) The inability of Dr. Enno Freye and his team members to provide additional required data and reports to attest to the integrity of the study and/or its data under question on request of Editor in chief.
The Editors, after consultation with the Publisher and Editorial Board of the Journal, decided to retract the paper.

The orignal article can be seen at the below link.

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