Potential of medicinal plants in management of diabetes: An updates
Diabetes, Classification, Aloe vera, Allium cepa, Gymnema sylvestreAbstract
Phytochemical means plant derived chemicals they are defined as bioactive nutrient present in plant in fruits, vegetables, grains, and other part of plants that may provide advantageous health benefits across basic nourishment. Medicinal plants are used in the treatment of various illness due to the presence of therapeutically important phytochemicals. Sometimes in patients with diabetes mellitus, the levels of antioxidant parameters are found to decrease, hence in many studies phytochemicals are suggested to improve the insulin sensitivity. Some phytocompounds such as flavonoids, prophenyl phenols, are also found effective in the complications of diabetes. The major challenging issue in diabetes management is the obstruction of various complications that remain the main cause of diabetes-related mortality. This review mainly focuses on the relationship between diabetes mellitus and preventive roles of various phytochemicals on diabetes.
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