Ethnobotany and floristic study of medicinal plants used in the treatment of respiratory diseases in the industrial region (Arzew) Oran, Algeria


  • Nadia Bouredja Department of living and Environment, Faculty of Natural Science and Life, University of Sciences and Technology, Mohamed Boudiaf-Oran, Algeria.
  • Hadjira Mekdad Department of living and Environment, Faculty of Natural Science and Life, University of Sciences and Technology, Mohamed Boudiaf-Oran, Algeria.
  • Khadra Baghdadi Department of living and Environment, Faculty of Natural Science and Life, University of Sciences and Technology, Mohamed Boudiaf-Oran, Algeria.



Aromatic and medicinal plants, Arzew, Ethnobotanical study, Respiratory diseases, Traditional medicine, Survey


The present study was carried out with the aim of making a complete inventory of medicinal plants and their therapeutic uses in the region of Arzew, Algeria using the series of ethnobotanical surveys. The survey targeted 500 people from the local population, of which 279 people use medicinal plants (56%) and 151 people use modern medicine (30%) and 70 people use both medicines (14.00%). Thus, the survey identified 65 plant species belonging to 32 families, including the Lamiaceae, which are the majority, followed by Apiaceae and Fabaceae. The foliage is the most used part and the majority of the remedies; it is prepared in the form of decoction. This study highlights the medicinal plants used in the treatment of respiratory ailments with a rate of 40%. The results obtained constitute a valuable source of information for the region studied and for the national medicinal flora. This could be a database for further research in the fields of phytochemistry and pharmacology and for the purpose of seeking new natural substances.


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How to Cite

Bouredja, N., Mekdad, H., & Baghdadi, K. (2017). Ethnobotany and floristic study of medicinal plants used in the treatment of respiratory diseases in the industrial region (Arzew) Oran, Algeria. GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1(2), 41–48.



Original Article