Influence of different processing methods on proximate and anti- nutritional value of tigernuts (Cyperus esculentus L.)
Tiger nut, Diabetic, fried, Soaking, Cyperus esculentusAbstract
Tigernut (Cyperus esculentus) is an underutilized crop of the family Cyperaceae which produces rhizomes from the base and tubers that are somewhat spherical. An investigation into the effect of different processing methods on the proximate and nutritional contents of tiger nut (Cyperus esculentus) was ascertained. The objectives is to assess the nutrient composition (carbohydrate protein and fat content) of tiger nut and to determine the effect of different processing method on the nutritional quality of the nut since its medicinal significance function helps to promote normal muscles and nerve functions to keep the heart beat steady, support immune functions strengthen bones and keep blood pressure at healthy levels. Moisture content was highest in soaked sample (10.69%) while the ash content was found to be low in fried sample (5.47%). Protein high in soaked sample (14.27%) compared with fried sample (13.73%). Carbohydrate was highest (64.13%) in fried sample than in soaked sample, 958.90%) saponin was absent in all the sample, tannin completely absent in fried sample, oxalate was absent in soaked sample but high in fried sample (1.47%) when compared with normal sample which was (1.07%). Soaking could be considered as the best processing method for tigernut since it reduces antinutrient content and still retains the nutrient value of the nut. Result from this study suggest that tigernut could be used as diabetic and weaning food because of its nutrient composition.
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