Diabetic foot infection and its management: A review


  • Paulson Anette Department of Pharmacy Practice, St. James College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chalakudy, Kerala.
  • Kumar K Krishna Department of Pharmacy Practice, St. James College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chalakudy, Kerala.
  • L Panayappan Department of Pharmacy Practice, St. James College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chalakudy, Kerala.
  • Mathew Leo Department of Pharmacy Practice, St. James College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chalakudy, Kerala.




Diabetic foot infection (DFI), Diabetes, Infection


Diabetic foot infections are common in patients with diabetes which leads to hospitalization and it is the most frequent cause of non-traumatic lower extremity amputation. Diagnosis of foot infections based on clinical signs and symptoms of inflammation. Infected lesion culturing discloses the pathogen and their susceptibilities. The predominant pathogen responsible for infection is gram-positive cocci, especially Staphylococci and also Streptococci. Gram-negative bacilli and anaerobes are mainly found in chronic or previously treated wounds. The infected wounds require antibiotic therapy, the agents, and duration of treatment are predicted based in the severity of infection and initial management of diabetic foot infection should do by empirical therapy which based on the susceptibility data. Preventive measures to control diabetic foot infections are patient education on foot care, glycemic control, use of prescription footwear, intensive care from a podiatrist, and evaluation of surgical interventions indicated. This article explains about Pathophysiology classification, assessing the severity and treatment of diabetic foot infections.


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How to Cite

Anette, P., Krishna, K. K., Panayappan, L. ., & Leo, M. (2021). Diabetic foot infection and its management: A review. GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 4(1), 19–24. https://doi.org/10.30574/gscbps.2018.4.1.0041



Original Article