Quantification of flavonoids by UPLC-MS and its antibacterial activity from Brassica oleracea var. Capitata L.
Phytochemicals, Pathogenic bacteria, Cabbage, UPLC-MSAbstract
Foodborne diseases remain considerable topic of concern and food safety is an important health, social and economical issue. Food borne illnesses caused by the contamination of microbes increases the concerns to find alternate sources which are safe to human health and environment. This study is the first attempt designed to determine the flavonoid content by UPLC-MS in the Indian variety of Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.(organic white cabbage) cultivated in Mysuru region and their potent antibacterial property against food borne pathogens. In the results of the present study, different flavonoids such as genistein > kaempherol > naringenin and catechin was observed which possess antibacterial activity. The antibacterial results showed that the flavonoids and there derivatives have potent antibacterial activity against the gram positive Staphylococcus aureus and the gram negative E. coli. Hence it can be concluded from the study that potential for developing antibacterial from organic white cabbage appears rewarding for the development of phytomedicine to act against microbes.
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