Utilization of tea plantation weeds to produce vermicompost and estimation of physiochemical changes during its production
Tea plantation, Weeds, Vermicompost, PhysiochemicalAbstract
Application of inorganic fertilizers from the period of green revolution have increased food production by a number of times confirming the food security of the country but it has caused environmental degradation leading to health problems on animals and humans. It has forced the researchers to find out the alternative of inorganic agriculture that can balance the production and preserve the ecosystem. Vermicompost is one of them which can make a balance. Investigation was carried out to compost tea garden weeds by earthworms and assesses changes of some physiochemical properties during the process of vermicomposting. Samples for physiochemical assessment were drawn from each treatment at an interval of fifteen days. The maximum moisture content was recorded on 15th day (64.07%) and the minimum moisture content was recorded on 90th day (18.86). Rise in pH level was observed on 30th day but thereafter declined gradually till 75th day. There was a slight rise in pH level after 75th day. The maximum percentage organic carbon in the vermicast was recorded to 32.87%. The percentage of organic carbon varied within 21.77% to 32.87%. The percentage of nitrogen varied from 1.53 to 1.78%. The percentage of available phosphorus ranged between 0.15 to 0.44%. The percentage of available potassium in from of potash ranged between 0.65 to 1.05%. Vermicompost produced from tea plantation weeds to some extend may reduce the excessive use of chemical fertilizers in the plantations.
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