Laboratory evaluation of toxicity of spinosad tablets and tracer 48 SC insecticides against different stages of American cockroaches (Periplaneta americana L.), in Jeddah governorate
Spinosad, Tracer, Insecticides, Mortality, P. americana, ToxicityAbstract
Periplaneta americana is an important household insect pest worldwide and acts as a mechanical vector and reservoir for pathogenic agents. Fermented insecticides are biopesticide, derived from fermentation by the soil-dwelling actinomycete. The aim of this study was to test the susceptibility of Spinosad tablets and Tracer 48 SC against P. americana adults and nymphs using different concentrations. Bioassays were done by feeding and contact toxicity methods. Mortality was recorded after 48 hours of exposure. Mortality data from the replicates was assessed by probit analysis. All tested insects showed high susceptibility for spinosad compared with the control. The effectiveness of fermented insecticides against susceptible different stages of P. americana showed that these formulations can be strongly effective for the control of P. americana.
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