Study on physical properties of Indian based ayurvedic medicine: Abhrakh bhasma as nanomaterials by employing modern scientific tools
Ayurveda, Abhrakh bhasma, Nanomedicine, XRD, SEM, Magnetic, Luminescence propertiesAbstract
Abhrakh bhasma is an Ayurvedic medicine widely used for treating several diseases such as; pernicious, sickle cell anemia, Bell’s palsy, hepatic dysfunction, leukemia, sex debility, cystic fibrosis, post encephalic dysfunction and cervical dysplasia etc. An Ayurveda bhasma is a medicine, which is used since ancient time and claimed to be very useful medicine at Nano metric scale. However there is a need of scientific evidence of such Ayurvedic products using modern scientific techniques of 21st century. The physical behavior was measured by X-ray diffractometer (XRD), fourier transform spectroscopy (FTIR), vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and photoluminescence (PL) spectrometer. Abhrakh bhasma is prepared by using mica as a base materials. X-ray diffraction and SEM analysis revealed that this bhasma is in nanocrystalline form and, can be considered as nanomedicine. Magnetic hysteresis (M~H) loop study by using the VSM reveals the super paramagnetic nature. Luminescence in bhasma was observed in visible region upon excitation of 200 nm laser source. This investigation reveals that, the Abhrakh bhasma may not only used as nanomedicine but also can be employed a materials for various other technological applications due to both magnetic as well as luminescence properties. Preliminary testing of Abhrakh bhasma nanoparticles was examined on Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli bacteria.
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