Antioxidant and proton potassium ATPase inhibitory activity in fruits


  • B L. Nanda Department of Biochemistry, Maharani’s science college for women, Mysuru, Karnataka, India.



Pomegranate, Noni, Gastritis, Antioxidant, Proton potassium ATPase inhibition


In the present study fruits such as Kiwi, Persimmon, Pomegranate, Dragon and Noni were screened for their antioxidant activity and H+K+ ATPase inhibitory activity. Among various mechanisms involved in the formation of gastric ulcers, free radicals generated during stress are one of the major causative factors for the gastric lesion through oxidative damage. Thus the best approach to control gastric ulcer would be to inhibit oxidative damage and acid secretion induced by the enzyme. The proton potassium ATPase inhibitory and antioxidant activity of aqueous and acetone extracts of five different fruits were investigated. The fruits were subjected to phytochemical investigations, antioxidant activity and enzyme inhibition. Among the various fruits screened Noni fruit showed 96.5% enzyme inhibition with considerable amount of phenolics and flavonoids.  It showed 80% of free radical scavenging activity and 50% of anti-lipid peroxidation activity.


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How to Cite

Nanda, . B. L. (2019). Antioxidant and proton potassium ATPase inhibitory activity in fruits. GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 7(3), 107–115.



Original Article