Enumerations on seed-borne and post-harvest microflora associated with okra [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench] and their management
Diseases of okra, Fungal diseases, Bacterial diseases, Management of diseases, Uses of okraAbstract
Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench) of Malvaceae is an important vegetable crop grown worldwide including India. Okra is attacked by various microorganisms like fungi, bacteria, viruses in the field or contaminate during harvesting, processing and packing or transportation. The frequency of damage by various diseases varies greatly with commodity, processing, growing conditions and the way of handling. The post-harvest diseases in transit and storage lead to waste of labor, time, field and money. The associated microflora reduces the quality, yield and market value of the crop. In this review, a brief data has been collected from various available resources about the various pathogen(s) or diseases associated with this crop.
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