Role of nanocomposites in drug delivery
Nanocomposites, Polymer, Clay, BiomedicalAbstract
Nanocomposites have become a promising area of research and development. Nanocomposites are of two types: polymer nanocomposites and clay nanocomposites. In a large field of nanotechnology the polymer nanocomposites which can increase the mechanical properties have become a prominent area of current research and development. The clay nanocomposites increase the additional properties and have dominated the polymer literature. But there are a large number of other significant areas of current and emerging interest. The nanocomposites can be used as drug carriers due to their surface and rheological properties. This review will detail the technology involved with clay-polymer based nanocomposites and also include other important areas including barrier properties, flammability resistance, biomedical applications, electrical/ electronic applications and fuel cell interest.
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