Antibiotic susceptibility profile of bacteria isolated from packaged milk products sold in Sokoto, Nigeria: The resistant strains
Antibiotic profile, Resistant strains, Milk productsAbstract
Antibiotics are generally the drug of choice in the treatment of various infections both in humans and animals. But the overuse and misuse of antibiotics in animal production and human medicine have led to the development of vast amount of resistant organisms difficult to treat with antibiotics and thereby posing serious health complications. This study was conducted to examine the antibiotic profile of bacteria isolated from packaged milk products sold in Sokoto metropolis in order to determine possibility of resistant strains. Forty-six bacteria from packaged milk products were subjected to antibiotics susceptibility test using a single disc of 7 antibiotics by disc diffusion method following Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute’s guideline. Susceptibility result showed that high percentage of the bacteria were resistant to erythromycin (73.9%). However, very high percentages were susceptible to ciprofloxacin and tetracycline with 91.3% and 89.1% respectively. The finding of the study showed that packaged milk products sold in some areas in Sokoto metropolis contained resistant bacteria to commonly used antibiotics in the study area, therefore posing a serious health risk to the consumers. Good manufacturing practices need to be put in place to forestall any health problem as a result of consumption of contaminated packaged milk products.
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