Analysis of pesticide residues in carrot retailed in vegetable markets in five districts of Karnataka, India
Carrot, Pesticide Residue, Karnataka, Gas chromotographAbstract
Carrot Daucus carota is a root vegetable, biennial plant in the umbellifer family Apiaceae and the roots contain alpha and beta-carotene and are a good source of vitamin K and vitamin B6. Pesticide residues in carrot samples of five districts viz., Bangalore Rural, Bangalore Urban, Chickballapura, Kolar and Ramanagara were analysed using gas chromatographic technique equipped with Electron Capture Detector (ECD) and Flame Thermo ionic Detector (FTD) for different pesticide residues of organophosphate, organochlorine, synthetic pyrethroids and carbamates. Acephate contamination accounted 25% in Bangalore rural, 37.5% each in Bangalore urban, Chikkaballapura and Ramanagara districts. Chlorpyriphos residue above MRL of 0.2 mg/kg noticed in all the districts except Bangalore Urban. Dichlorvos contamination hardly crossed the limit and the mean concentration of fenvalerate in different district in the order Bangalore Urban> Kolar>Chickballapura> Ramanagara= Bangalore Rural. Cyfluthrin-β is not detected in any districts and the concentration of monocrotophos, cyhalothrin-λ, cypermethrin and deltamethrin were found below the permissible limit in all the places.
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