Antibacterial potential of plant extracts on ESBL and carbapenemase producing pathogens
β-lactamase, Alternative remedy, Antibacterial activity, Antibiotic resistanceAbstract
The extensive spread of antibiotic resistance among pathogens is critically challenging the healthcare system with treatment options. Often, the physicians are left with no choice but to use high doses of antibiotics to combat infectious diseases in spite of the associated toxicity. In an attempt to investigate plant sources as an alternative source of drugs, the current study evaluated the antibacterial activity of extracts obtained from six commonly available plants against 16 pathogens isolated from skin, respiratory and urinary tract. Among these, 14 multi drug resistant pathogens and 7 ESBL producers were identified. Also, 4 isolates showed both ESBL and carbapenemase production whereas 2 S. aureus isolates showed ESBL production and resistance to Streptogramins. The plants used in our study included garlic, cinnamon, Indian borage, clove, green tea and onion. The qualitative analysis of antibacterial activity was carried out by well diffusion method for water and methanol extracts of these plants. The results indicated garlic and Indian borage water extracts to be active against both gram negative and gram positive test pathogens. The observed zones of inhibition were in the range of 11-27 mm (Indian borage) and 9-21 mm (garlic) against the test pathogens. However, no synergy was observed when these extracts were combined.
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