Assessment of antioxidant potentials of functional parts of medicinal plant (Jatropa multifida)
Jatropa multifida, Dipheny, Picryl hydrazy, Antioxidant potentia, Folin-Ciocalteu methodAbstract
The present research was conducted to evaluate antioxidant properties and phenolic potentials of leaf and flower parts of a medicinal plant (Jatropa multifida). Extracts were prepared from the leaf and flower of the plants with aqueous and methanolic solvents system at 5.0% concentration. Total phenolic contents of plant extracts was determined by Folin-Ciocalteu method while free radical scavenging ability of leaf and flower plant extracts was assessed using 2,2-diphenyl-2-pricrylhydrazyl [DPPH]. Results revealed significantly (P<0.05) high antioxidant potentials obtained from flower extract which was comparatively higher than that obtained from leaf extract. Highest DPPH inhibition (74%) was exhibited by methanolic flower extract of Jatropa multifida plant, while the least (66.9%) DPPH inhibition was demonstrated by aqueous leaf extract. Besides, Jatropa multifida methanolic flower extract contained highest amount (18.0mg of catechol g-1) of phenols while the lowest amount (8.0mg of catechol g-1) was obtained from aqueous leaf extract of the plant. Results from this investigation suggest that high radical scavenging potentials of this medicinal plant may be attributed to the hydrogen donating ability of phenolics, while organic solvent has higher extractable properties.
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