Study on the nutritional and chemical composition of "Ogiri" condiment made from sandbox seed (Hura crepitans) as affected by fermentation time
Sandbox seed, Ogiri condiment, Fermented condiment, Steroid, TerpenoidAbstract
This study investigated the effects of fermentation time on the proximate composition, steroid, terpenoid, pH, and titratable acidity of fermented condiment made from sandbox seed (Hura crepitans). Samples of dehulled sandbox seeds wrapped in blanched plantain leaves, cooked for 9 hours and fermented for 4 days were analyzed at different fermentation time. Unfermented sandbox seeds (SAA) had the highest level of proximate (moisture 41.9%; carbohydrate 2.88%; fibre 2.37%; ash 1.8%; protein 19.0%; and lipid 32.05%). Sample SAE (day4) showed the lowest values for all the proximate (moisture 48.35%; carbohydrate 0.26%; fibre 0.28%; ash 2.5%; protein 15.31%; lipid 31.0%). SAE had the highest titratable acidity (TTA) content. Fermentation resulted to a significant decrease in total carbohydrate, protein and crude fibre, including a significant increase in moisture of the produced condiment. There is an insignificant decrease in total lipid, ash and pH as affected by the fermentation time. High availability of terpenoids was observed all through the fermentation period, while low steroid only appeared on the SAE (day 4) sample. The result of the research proved the potential use of sandbox (Hura crepitans) seeds in the production of Ogiri condiment.
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