Sensory properties, physical and microbiological studies of pumpkin seed (Cucurbita pepo) blended cakes
Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) seed, Sensory evaluation, Physical properties, Peroxide value, Microbiological studyAbstract
Sensory properties, physical and microbiological studies of pumpkin seed (Cucurbita pepo) blended cakes were evaluated using standard analytical and microbiological methods. Peroxide values of blended cakes were also evaluated. CF2 blend (20% pumpkin) had the highest mean sensory scores for all sensory parameters and was found to be higher than control (WF1) with overall acceptability of 8.25±0.58/ 5.36±0.61 at day 1/ day 4 and 8.40±0.64/ 8.20±0.96 at day 1/ day 4 under ambient and refrigeration conditions respectively. The weight (g) of the blended cakes ranged from 34.95±0.27 to 39.16±0.02. CF6 (60% pumpkin) cake recorded the highest weight of 39.16±0.02 g while wheat flour (WF1) cake recorded the least weight of 34.95±0.27 g. The volume (cm3) and specific volume (cm3/g) of blended cakes ranged from 91.89±0.17 to 96.61±0.07 and 2.35±0.04 to 2.75±0.14 respectively. Peroxide values of blended cakes ranged from 4.23±0.03 meq/kg to 4.92±0.04 meq/kg. CF2 cake had the highest peroxide value of 4.92±0.04 meq/kg among the blends, although lower than that of WF1 cake while CF6 cake had the least peroxide value of 4.23±0.03 meq/kg. Bacterial and fungal counts (CFU/g) of baked cakes ranged from 1.40x102±0.58 to 2.99x103±1.00 and 2.50x101±1.00 to 2.40x102±2.08 respectively. WF1 cake recorded the highest bacterial and fungal counts (CFU/g), while CF6 recorded the least bacterial and fungal counts (CFU/g) for both storage days under ambient and refrigeration conditions. From the results obtained, 20% supplementation of pumpkin seed flour into wheat flour (CF2) produced cakes with the most acceptable sensory, physical and microbiological qualities, when compared with control and other levels of blends. Therefore, there is need for inclusion of pumpkin seed flour (PSF) into wheat flour (WF1) in order to enhance the shelf life stability, nutritional properties, quality and acceptability potentials of baked cakes.
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