Studies on thermodynamics and kinetics of thermo-inactivation of xylanase from salivary glands of Macrotermes subhyalinus little soldier
Enzyme activity, Thermo-inactivation, xylanase, Kinetics, Thermodynamics, salivary glands, Macrotermes subhyalinusAbstract
The effect of heat treatment on the activity of xylanase, from salivary glands of Macrotermes subhyalinus little soldier was studied over a temperature range of 50 to 70 °C using mathematical analysis of the kinetic and thermodynamic parameters for the thermo-inactivation of the enzyme. Denaturation of the enzyme, measured by loss in activity, could be described as a first-order model, with k-values between 0.005 and 0.0217. D-values decreased with increasing temperature, indicating faster inactivation of the enzyme at higher temperatures. Results suggested that xylanase is the rmostable with a Z-value of 22.57, Ea of 92.68 kJ mol-1. Thermodynamic parameters were also calculated. The Gibbs free energy (ΔG), values range from 109.36 to 110.27 kJ/mol for the enzyme. These kinetic data can be used to allow the adequate utilization of the xylanase of Macrotermes subhyalinus little soldier in the food industry and technology applications
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