Performance assessment of Bhendi hybrid Co 4 cultivation over local check variety under Front Line Demonstration
Bhendi Hybrid Co4, Local Check Variety, improved cultivation practices, Field Performance, Growth Parameters, Yield Parameters, Cost EconomicsAbstract
A field investigation on productivity augmentation of bhendi [Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench] was carried out at Melanagai village, Mannargudi block of Thrivarurur district. The study was conducted by ICAR-Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Needamangalam [Tamil Nadu], during 2016-17 to assess the bhendi/okra hybrid Co 4 performance along with local check variety.The per cent yield improvement, technology gap, extension gap, technology index were calculated based on the observation recorded on growth, yield and economical attributes of both demonstration and local adopted check variety. The recorded data showed that the average yield of demonstration plots was 20.35 tha–1whereas the local check recorded an average yield of 12.80 tha–1 and there is an amplified average yield by 37.21 per cent. The gross returns and benefit cost ratios from the demonstration plot were higher [Rs. 121020/ha and 2.80 respectively] as compared to farmer’s practices [Rs. 76800/ha and 1.90]. The demonstrated improved variety i.e. okra hybrid Co 4 recorded superior growth, yield and economical parameters of the local adopted check variety. The enhancement in growth, yield and economic parameters under okra hybrid Co4 than the farmers’ practice [local check] signifying the technical and economic viability of improved variety / hybrid over farmers practices.
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